Component blueprints are reusable templates of equations and inputs that calculate a transfer of CO₂e into or out of the atmosphere. They represent small discrete parts of carbon accounting that can be combined like building blocks to create custom and rigorous accounting for Removals, GHG Statements and entire Projects. This page provides an overview of all component blueprints.

Component Types

Component blueprints are labelled with a type. The type represents a carbon accounting category and flux direction, either CO₂e sequestered or emitted.

Component TypeDescriptionCO₂e Flux Direction
activityFuel and energy usage, manufacturing processes and embodied emissionsEmitted
counterfactualBaseline calculations to compare actual sequestration against alternative scenariosEmitted
lossCO₂e losses and leakage before reaching permanent storageEmitted
reductionActivity emissions that have been reduced by other claims or offsetsSequestered
sequestrationCalculations of CO₂e sequestered through storage or natural processesSequestered

Inputs and Compatible Units

Each component blueprint lists its inputs; the numbers you need to provide for its calculations.

Inputs are each a particular physical quantity being measured. For example: mass, volume, concentration or density.

A particular input works with many different units as long as they are compatible with its type. Ideally data should be reported in exactly in the same value and units as shown in corroborating sources. Component blueprint equations handle transforming these provided inputs into standard SI units.

Some inputs require lists of values, for example a set of soil samples. Each individual value in a list input must be compatible with the input’s type.

The result of a component blueprint’s equations is always a mass amount of CO₂e, that is typically either kgCO₂e or tCO₂e.

Input TypeKeyCompatible Units
Amount Of Substance Per Massamount_of_substance_per_massmmol / kg
Bulk Densitybulk_densitykg / m^3
Currency Carbon Emission Factorcurrency_carbon_emission_factorkgCO2e / USD, tCO2e / USD
Distance Carbon Emission Factordistance_carbon_emission_factorkgCO2e / km, tCO2e / km
EnergyenergykWh, MWh
Energy Carbon Emission Factorenergy_carbon_emission_factorkgCO2e / kWh, kgCO2e / MWh
Energy Densityenergy_densitykWh / litre, MWh / litre
Fuel Economyfuel_economykm / litre
Ionic Strengthionic_strengthmmol / kg
Massmasskg, tonne
Mass Carbonmass_carbonkgCO2e, tCO2e
Mass Carbon Emission Factormass_carbon_emission_factorkgCO2e / kg, kgCO2e / tonne
Mass Cdr Potentialmass_cdr_potentialkgCO2e / tonne
Mass Concentrationmass_concentrationmg / litre
Mass Densitymass_densitykg / m^3
Mass Distancemass_distancetonne * km
Mass Distance Carbon Emission Factormass_distance_carbon_emission_factorkgCO2e / (tonne * km), tCO2e / (tonne * km)
Mass Energy Densitymass_energy_densitykWh / kg, kWh / tonne, MWh / tonne
Mass Fractionmass_fractionppm
Mass Fraction Dry Basismass_fraction_dry_basis%, ppm, kg / tonne
Mass Fraction Wet Basismass_fraction_wet_basis%, ppm, kg / tonne
Mass Per Areamass_per_areakg / m^2, t / ha
Mass Ratiomass_ratiokg / tonne, %
Molality Of Solutemolality_of_solutemmol / kg
Molar Massmolar_massg / mol
Mole Fractionmole_fractionmolCO2e / mol
Specific Volumespecific_volumem^3 / kg, litre / kg, litre / tonne
Volume Carbon Emission Factorvolume_carbon_emission_factorkgCO2e / litre

Activity Component Blueprints

Aggregated sample transport

key: aggregated_sample_transport

Constant aggregated emissions, related to transporting sample material.


result=aggregated_sample_transport\text{result} = aggregated\_sample\_transport


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
aggregated_sample_transportAggregated sample transportMass CarbonkgCO2e

Constant emissions

key: constant_activity_emissions

Emissions based on a constant value.


result=constant_activity_emissions\text{result} = constant\_activity\_emissions


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
constant_activity_emissionsConstant emissionsMass CarbonkgCO2e

Currency-based CI emissions

key: currency_based_ci_emissions

Emissions based on multiplying a currency by a carbon emission factor. Applicable to quantifying embodied emissions or emissions related to services when data of higher quality cannot be sourced.


result=amount_spent×carbon_intensity\text{result} = amount\_spent \times carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
amount_spentAmount spentCurrencyUSD
carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of currencyCurrency Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / USD

Distance-based emissions

key: distance_based_ci_emissions

Emissions based on multiplying a distance by a carbon emission factor. Applicable to quantifying transportation emissions when only the distance traveled is known, this is acceptable for transportation by passenger car or airplane.


result=distance×carbon_intensity\text{result} = distance \times carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_intensityDistance emission factorDistance Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / km
distanceDistance traveledDistancekm

Electricity use emissions with low-carbon procurement

key: grid_electricity_use_with_recs

Emissions related to electric energy use, using market-based accounting for procurement of low-carbon power.


result=grid_emissions+procured_power_emissions\text{result} = grid\_emissions + procured\_power\_emissions


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
grid_carbon_intensityResidual mix emission factor of grid electricityEnergy Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kWh
grid_electricity_useGrid electricity usageEnergykWh
procured_power_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of procured powerEnergy Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kWh
procured_power_electricity_useProcured power electricity usageEnergykWh

Electricity-ratio based emissions

key: electricity_ratio_based_emissions

Calculates emissions based on an amount of electricity used per unit feedstock mass. Applicable to quantifying electricity emissions when electricity consumption is derived from an efficiency, such as the amount of electricity consumed by a piece of equipment per tonne of feedstock processed.


result=mass_feedstock×energy×carbon_intensity\text{result} = mass\_feedstock \times energy \times carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_intensityEmission factor of energyEnergy Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kWh
energyEnergy used per unit mass of feedstockMass Energy DensitykWh / kg
mass_feedstockMass of feedstockMasskg

Embodied emissions

key: embodied_emissions

Constant embodied emissions. Applicable to embodied emissions reported as a single value, for example in the case where emissions are evidenced by an Environmental Product Declaration.


result=embodied_emissions\text{result} = embodied\_emissions


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
embodied_emissionsEmbodied emissionsMass CarbonkgCO2e

Energy-based CI emissions

key: energy_based_ci_emissions

Emissions based on multiplying an energy by its carbon emission factor. If more specific information is known regarding the fuel or electricity consumed use other component blueprints that are more accurate.


result=energy×carbon_intensity\text{result} = energy \times carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of energyEnergy Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kWh
energyEnergy usedEnergykWh

Fuel consumption based transport emissions

key: fuel_consumption_based_transport

Emissions related to transporting a load, based on a fuel-consumption method. Applicable to quantifying transportation emissions when the volume of fuel consumed is derived from a vehicle efficiency. If the volume of fuel has been measured, use the component blueprints ‘Fuel usage by mass’ or ‘Fuel usage by volume’.


result=distance×fuel_carbon_intensityfuel_economy\text{result} = \frac{distance \times fuel\_carbon\_intensity}{fuel\_economy}


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
distanceDistance traveledDistancekm
fuel_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of the fuel consumedVolume Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / litre
fuel_economyDistance traveled per unit of fuelFuel Economykm / litre

Fuel usage by distance emissions, accounting for BCU claims

key: distance_based_transport_bcu

Emissions based on a distance traveled for a specific journey, accounting for BCU claims.


result=fuel_usage_accountable_emissions+bcu_fuel_usage_emissions\text{result} = fuel\_usage\_accountable\_emissions + bcu\_fuel\_usage\_emissions


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
bcu_fuel_combustion_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of BCU combustionMass Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kg
distanceDistance traveledDistancekm
emission_factor_transportEmission factor of transportMass Distance Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / (tonne * km)
energy_density_bcu_fuelEnergy density of low-carbon fuel represented in BCUs used for transportation journeyMass Energy DensitykWh / kg
energy_density_fuel_usedEnergy density of fuel consumed during the transportation journeyMass Energy DensitykWh / kg
fuel_combustion_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of combustion of fuel used for journeyMass Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kg
massMass of loadMasskg
mass_of_bcu_fuelThe quantity of fuel represented in BCUs used for transportation journeyMasskg

Fuel usage by mass emissions

key: fuel_usage_by_mass

Emissions based on multiplying a fuel mass by the carbon emission factor of combustion.


result=mass_of_fuel×fuel_combustion_carbon_intensity\text{result} = mass\_of\_fuel \times fuel\_combustion\_carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
fuel_combustion_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of combustionMass Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kg
mass_of_fuelMass of fuelMasskg

Fuel usage by mass emissions, accounting for BCU claims

key: fuel_usage_by_mass_bcu

Emissions based on a mass of fuel used for a journey, accounting for BCU claims.


result=fuel_usage_accountable_emissions+bcu_fuel_usage_emissions\text{result} = fuel\_usage\_accountable\_emissions + bcu\_fuel\_usage\_emissions


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
bcu_fuel_combustion_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of BCU combustionMass Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kg
energy_density_bcu_fuelEnergy density of low-carbon fuel represented in BCUs used for transportation journeyMass Energy DensitykWh / kg
energy_density_fuel_usedEnergy density of fuel consumed during the transportation journeyMass Energy DensitykWh / kg
fuel_combustion_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of combustion of fuel used for journeyMass Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kg
mass_of_bcu_fuelThe quantity of fuel represented in BCUs used for transportation journeyMasskg
mass_of_fuel_usedMass of fuel used for the journeyMasskg

Fuel usage by volume emissions

key: fuel_usage_by_volume

Emissions based on multiplying a fuel volume by the carbon emission factor of combustion.


result=volume_of_fuel×fuel_combustion_carbon_intensity\text{result} = volume\_of\_fuel \times fuel\_combustion\_carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
fuel_combustion_carbon_intensityFuel emission factorVolume Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / litre
volume_of_fuelVolume of fuelVolumelitre

Fuel usage by volume emissions, accounting for BCU claims

key: fuel_usage_by_volume_bcu

Emissions based on a volume of fuel used for a journey, accounting for BCU claims.


result=fuel_usage_accountable_emissions+bcu_fuel_usage_emissions\text{result} = fuel\_usage\_accountable\_emissions + bcu\_fuel\_usage\_emissions


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
bcu_fuel_combustion_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of BCU combustionVolume Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / litre
energy_density_bcu_fuelEnergy density of low-carbon fuel represented in BCUs used for transportation journeyEnergy DensitykWh / litre
energy_density_fuel_usedEnergy density of fuel consumed during the transportation journeyEnergy DensitykWh / litre
fuel_combustion_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of combustion of fuel used for journeyVolume Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / litre
volume_of_bcu_fuelThe quantity of fuel represented in BCUs used for transportation journeyVolumelitre
volume_of_fuel_usedVolume of fuel used for the journeyVolumelitre

GHG direct emissions

key: ghg_direct_emissions

Direct emissions from a pyrolysis process where pyrolysis gases are emitted to the atmosphere or combusted.


result=mass_flow×concentration×global_warming_potential\text{result} = mass\_flow \times concentration \times global\_warming\_potential


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
concentrationConcentration of warming species in emitted gasMass Fractionppm
global_warming_potential100-year global warming potentialUnitlessn/a
mass_flowTotal mass flow of gasMasskg

GHG leakage emissions

key: ghg_leakage_by_energy

Emissions due to usage of a greenhouse gas leakage into the atmosphere, based on gas energy used.


result=gas_energy_used×global_warming_potential×leakage_fractiongas_energy_density\text{result} = \frac{gas\_energy\_used \times global\_warming\_potential \times leakage\_fraction}{gas\_energy\_density}


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
gas_energy_densityCarbon density of gasMass Energy DensitykWh / kg
gas_energy_usedEnergy of gas usedEnergykWh
global_warming_potentialGlobal warming potential of gasUnitlessn/a
leakage_fractionFraction of gas leaked into atmosphereUnitlessn/a

Grid electricity use emissions

key: grid_electricity_use

Emissions related to electric energy use. Applicable to quantifying electricity emissions when the quantity of electricity consumed is reported as a single number. If electricity consumption has been measured from a meter, use the component blueprint ‘Metered electricity use emissions’.


result=electricity_use×grid_carbon_intensity\text{result} = electricity\_use \times grid\_carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
electricity_useTotal electricity usageEnergykWh
grid_carbon_intensityElectricity grid emission factorEnergy Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kWh

Mass-based CI emissions

key: mass_based_ci_emissions

Emissions based on multiplying a mass by its carbon emission factor. Applicable to quantifying embodied emissions of materials and consumables when the mass consumed is known. This component is generic to any material, for fuel use see the ‘Fuel usage by mass emissions’ component blueprint .


result=mass×carbon_intensity\text{result} = mass \times carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_intensityCarbon emission factorMass Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kg

Mass-distance-based CI emissions

key: mass_distance_based_ci_emissions

Emissions related to transporting a load, based on a distance-mass method. This component should be used when it’s impossible to disambiguate the mass transported from the distance traveled. For example, where multiple small trips with different masses and distances are aggregated prior to submitting them to Isometric Certify.


result=mass_distance×carbon_intensity\text{result} = mass\_distance \times carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_intensityEmission factor of transportMass Distance Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / (tonne * km)
mass_distanceMass multiplied by distanceMass Distancetonne * km

Mass-ratio based emissions

key: mass_ratio_based_emissions

Calculates emissions based on a mass of material used per unit feedstock mass. Applicable to quantifying embodied emissions of materials and consumables when the mass consumed is derived from an efficiency value.


result=mass_ratio×emissions_factor×feedstock_mass\text{result} = mass\_ratio \times emissions\_factor \times feedstock\_mass


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
emissions_factorEmission factorMass Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kg
feedstock_massMass of feedstockMasskg
mass_ratioMass of material per unit mass of feedstockMass Ratiokg / tonne

Metered electricity use emissions

key: metered_energy_based_ci_emissions

Emissions based on electricity use between two meter readings multiplied by its carbon emission factor. Applicable to quantifying electricity emissions when the final and initial meter readout is known.


result=energy_use×carbon_intensity\text{result} = energy\_use \times carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_intensityElectricity emission factorEnergy Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kWh
final_readoutElectricity final readoutEnergykWh
initial_readoutElectricity initial readoutEnergykWh

Proportional and additional mine emissions

key: proportional_and_additional_mine_energy_emissions

Emissions related to fuel, emulsion and electricity use, based on proportion of rock powder used and overall electricity use amplifications.


result=electricity_use_for_deployed_rock_powder×electricity_carbon_intensity\text{result} = electricity\_use\_for\_deployed\_rock\_powder \times electricity\_carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
electricity_carbon_intensityCarbon emission factor of electricityEnergy Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kWh
energy_use_amplificationOverall electricity use increasePercentage%
rock_powder_deployedRock powder deployedMasskg
rock_powder_outputRock powder outputMasskg
total_electricity_useOverall electricity useEnergykWh
total_rock_outputTotal rock outputMasskg

Time-based grid electricity use emissions

key: time_based_grid_electricity_use

Amount of CO₂ emitted, given a time, average power draw and energy carbon emission factor.


result=time×average_power×grid_carbon_intensity\text{result} = time \times average\_power \times grid\_carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
average_powerAverage power drawPowerwatts
grid_carbon_intensityCO₂e emitted per unit of electricity consumedEnergy Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kWh
timeTime the power was been drawn forTimesecond

Transport emissions

key: transport

Emissions related to transporting a load, based on a distance-mass method. Applicable to quantifying transportation emissions when the mass and distance traveled for an individual journey is known.


result=mass×distance×carbon_intensity\text{result} = mass \times distance \times carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_intensityEmission factor of transportMass Distance Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / (tonne * km)
distanceDistance traveledDistancekm
massMass of loadMasskg

Volume per feedstock-unit mass based emissions

key: specific_volume_based_emissions

Calculates emissions based on a volume of material used per unit feedstock mass. Applicable to quantifying emissions related to consumables when the volume consumed is derived from an efficiency value.


result=volume_material_per_mass×emissions_factor×feedstock_mass\text{result} = volume\_material\_per\_mass \times emissions\_factor \times feedstock\_mass


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
emissions_factorVolume carbon emission factorVolume Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / litre
feedstock_massMass of feedstockMasskg
volume_material_per_massVolume of material per unit mass of feedstockSpecific Volumem^3 / kg

Volume-based emissions

key: volume_based_ci_emissions

Emissions based on multiplying a volume by its carbon emission factor. Applicable to quantifying emissions related to consumables, for example water. This component is generic to any liquid or gas, for fuel use specifically see the ‘Fuel usage by volume emissions’ component blueprint.


result=volume×carbon_intensity\text{result} = volume \times carbon\_intensity


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_intensityVolume carbon emission factorVolume Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / litre

Counterfactual Component Blueprints

Feedstock replacement emissions

key: feedstock_replacement_emissions

Replacement emissions based on multiplying a mass of feedstock by its replacement emissions factor.


result=mass_of_feedstock×replacement_emissions_factor\text{result} = mass\_of\_feedstock \times replacement\_emissions\_factor


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
mass_of_feedstockMass of feedstockMasskg
replacement_emissions_factorReplacement emissions factor for feedstockMass Carbon Emission FactorkgCO2e / kg

Zero tCO₂e counterfactual

key: zero_counterfactual

This counterfactual has been considered and the effect has deemed to be zero.


result=0.0tCO2eZero tCO2e counterfactual\text{result} = \overset{Zero\ tCO₂e\ counterfactual}{\text{0.0tCO2e}}

This component has no inputs.

Loss Component Blueprints

CO₂e lost to strong acid weathering

key: ew_loss_strong_acid_from_fertilizer_use

CO₂e lost to strong acid from fertilizer use


result=fertilizer_application_rate×rock_spread_area×44.01gram / moleCO2 molar mass×nitrogen_density28.02gram / moleNitrogen molar mass×fertilizer_density\text{result} = \frac{fertilizer\_application\_rate \times rock\_spread\_area \times \overset{CO₂\ molar\ mass}{\text{44.01gram / mole}} \times nitrogen\_density}{\overset{Nitrogen\ molar\ mass}{\text{28.02gram / mole}} \times fertilizer\_density}


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
fertilizer_application_rateFertilizer application rateMass Per Areakg / m^2
fertilizer_densityFertilizer densityMass Densitykg / m^3
nitrogen_densityNitrogen density in fertilizerMass Densitykg / m^3
rock_spread_areaRock spread areaAreaha

Cation exchange capacity loss

key: ew_cec_loss

Enhanced weathering cation exchange capacity loss


result=all__cation_concentration_increase_over_control×soil_density×soil_sampling_depth×rock_spread_area×44.01gram / moleCO2 molar mass\text{result} = all\_\_cation\_concentration\_increase\_over\_control \times soil\_density \times soil\_sampling\_depth \times rock\_spread\_area \times \overset{CO₂\ molar\ mass}{\text{44.01gram / mole}}


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
all__control_baseline_concentrationBaseline concentration of cation in soil exchangeable fractionAmount Of Substance Per Mass Listmmol / kg
all__control_end_of_reporting_period_concentrationEnd of reporting period concentration of cation in soil exchangeable fractionAmount Of Substance Per Mass Listmmol / kg
all__deployment_baseline_concentrationBaseline concentration of cation in soil exchangeable fractionAmount Of Substance Per Mass Listmmol / kg
all__deployment_end_of_reporting_period_concentrationEnd of reporting period concentration of cation in soil exchangeable fractionAmount Of Substance Per Mass Listmmol / kg
rock_spread_areaRock spread areaAreaha
soil_densitySoil densityMass Densitykg / m^3
soil_sampling_depthSoil sampling depthDistancekm

Constant CO₂ loss

key: constant_loss

Amount of CO₂ lost before it reached permanent storage.


result=constant_loss\text{result} = constant\_loss


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
constant_lossConstant CO₂ lossMass CarbonkgCO2e

Reduction Component Blueprints

Constant CO₂ reduction

key: constant_reduction

Amount of CO₂ activity emissions that have been reduced by other claims.


result=constant_reduction\text{result} = constant\_reduction


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
constant_reductionConstant CO₂ reductionMass CarbonkgCO2e

Sequestration Component Blueprints

Biomass burial with moisture correction

key: biomass_burial_with_moisture_correction

Amount of CO₂ stored, given a carbon concentration, mass and moisture contents. Applicable to quantifying CO₂ stored for the protocol Subsurface Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage.


result=carbon_content×buried_mass×co2e_of_carbon×moisture_correction\text{result} = carbon\_content \times buried\_mass \times co2e\_of\_carbon \times moisture\_correction


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
average_material_moisture_contentAverage moisture content across all material buriedUnitlessn/a
average_sampled_moisture_contentAverage moisture content in samples used to determine carbon contentUnitlessn/a
buried_massMass of injectant buriedMasskg
carbon_contentCarbon content of injectantUnitlessn/a
co2e_of_carbonCO₂ equivalent of pure carbonUnitlessn/a

Biomass injection from winsorized mean

key: biomass_injection_from_winsorized_mean

Amount of CO₂ stored, given a mass and multiple measured carbon concentration values, from which a mean is calculated. Outliers for the mean are accounted for by winsorizing the measured carbon contents with mean and standard deviation calculated from historical carbon contents from the same feedstock. Applicable to quantifying CO₂ stored for the protocols Biomass Geological Storage and Bio-oil Geological Storage.


result=injectant_mass×mean_carbon_content×co2e_of_carbon\text{result} = injectant\_mass \times mean\_carbon\_content \times co2e\_of\_carbon


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
co2e_of_carbonCO₂ equivalent of pure carbonUnitlessn/a
historical_carbon_content_measurementsHistorical carbon content measurements of injectantUnitless Listn/a
injectant_carbon_content_measurementsCarbon content measurements of injectantUnitless Listn/a
injectant_massMass of injectantMasskg

Blended bio oil injection

key: blended_bio_oil_injection

Amount of CO₂ stored, given a carbon concentration and mass. Applicable to quantifying CO₂ stored for Bio-oil Geological Storage when batches of bio-oil are blended prior to injection.


result=unblended_bio_oil_carbon_contents×unblended_bio_oil_mass×co2e_of_carbon\text{result} = \overline{unblended\_bio\_oil\_carbon\_contents} \times unblended\_bio\_oil\_mass \times co2e\_of\_carbon


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
blended_bio_oil_massTotal mass of injectant after blendingMasskg
co2e_of_carbonCO₂ equivalent of pure carbonUnitlessn/a
liquid_caustic_soda_massLiquid caustic soda massMasskg
salt_massMass of saltMasskg
unblended_bio_oil_carbon_contentsCarbon content of unblended bio-oilUnitless Listn/a

CO₂ removed from weathering using TICAT method

key: enhanced_weathering_sequestration_ticat

CO₂ removed from weathering using the TICAT method described in Reershemius et al 2023.


result=ca_co2_removed+mg_co2_removed+na_co2_removed\text{result} = ca\_co2\_removed + mg\_co2\_removed + na\_co2\_removed


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
ca_baseline_soil_mass_fractionBaseline calcium mass fraction in soilMass Fraction Listppm
ca_end_soil_mass_fractionCalcium mass fraction in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
ca_feedstock_mass_fractionCalcium mass fraction in feedstockMass Fractionppm
feedstock_massMass of feedstockMasskg
mg_baseline_soil_mass_fractionBaseline magnesium mass fraction in soilMass Fraction Listppm
mg_end_soil_mass_fractionMagnesium mass fraction in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
mg_feedstock_mass_fractionMagnesium mass fraction in feedstockMass Fractionppm
na_baseline_soil_mass_fractionBaseline sodium mass fraction in soilMass Fraction Listppm
na_end_soil_mass_fractionSodium mass fraction in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
na_feedstock_mass_fractionSodium mass fraction in feedstockMass Fractionppm
tracer_baseline_soil_mass_fractionTracer mass fraction in soil before applicationMass Fraction Listppm
tracer_end_soil_mass_fractionTracer mass fraction in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
tracer_feedstock_mass_fractionTracer mass fraction in feedstockMass Fractionppm

CO₂ removed from weathering using tracer ratio method

key: enhanced_weathering_sequestration_ticat_ratio

CO₂ removed from weathering using the tracer ratio method.


result=average_f_d×feedstock_mass×cation_feedstock_concentration×cation_charge×co2_molar_masscation_molar_mass\text{result} = \frac{average\_f\_d \times feedstock\_mass \times cation\_feedstock\_concentration \times cation\_charge \times co2\_molar\_mass}{cation\_molar\_mass}


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
cation_baseline_soil_concentrationCation concentration in baseline soilMass Fraction Listppm
cation_chargeCation chargeUnitlessn/a
cation_feedstock_concentrationCation concentration in feedstockMass Fractionppm
cation_molar_massMolar mass of cationMolar Massg / mol
cation_post_application_concentrationCation concentration in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
co2_molar_massMolar mass of CO₂Molar Massg / mol
feedstock_massMass of feedstockMasskg
tracer_1_baseline_soil_concentrationTracer 1 concentration in baseline soilMass Fraction Listppm
tracer_1_feedstock_concentrationTracer 1 concentration in feedstockMass Fractionppm
tracer_1_post_application_concentrationTracer 1 concentration in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
tracer_2_baseline_soil_concentrationTracer 2 concentration in baseline soilMass Fraction Listppm
tracer_2_feedstock_concentrationTracer 2 concentration in feedstockMass Fractionppm
tracer_2_post_application_concentrationTracer 2 concentration in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm

CO₂e sequestered post losses

key: iemt_with_losses_2024_11

CO₂ removed from weathering using the immobile element method described in Reershemius et al 2023.


result=(sequestration_output_totalstrong_acid_lossplant_uptake_loss)×river_retention_factor×ocean_retention_factor\text{result} = \left(sequestration\_output\_total - strong\_acid\_loss - plant\_uptake\_loss\right) \times river\_retention\_factor \times ocean\_retention\_factor


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
ca_cation_baseline_soil_concentrationBaseline calcium mass fraction in soilMass Fraction Listppm
ca_cation_baseline_soil_concentration_controlCalcium mass fraction in control baseline soilMass Fraction Listppm
ca_cation_feedstock_concentrationCalcium mass fraction in feedstockMass Fractionppm
ca_cation_post_application_concentrationCalcium mass fraction in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
ca_cation_post_application_concentration_controlCalcium mass fraction in control soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
feedstock_massMass of feedstockMasskg
mg_cation_baseline_soil_concentrationBaseline magnesium mass fraction in soilMass Fraction Listppm
mg_cation_baseline_soil_concentration_controlMagnesium mass fraction in control baseline soilMass Fraction Listppm
mg_cation_feedstock_concentrationMagnesium mass fraction in feedstockMass Fractionppm
mg_cation_post_application_concentrationMagnesium mass fraction in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
mg_cation_post_application_concentration_controlMagnesium mass fraction in control soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm
ocean_retention_factorPercentage of CO₂ retained after losses in ocean storagePercentage%
plant_uptake_lossPlant uptake lossMass CarbonkgCO2e
river_retention_factorPercentage of CO₂ retained after losses in river runoffPercentage%
strong_acid_lossStrong acid lossMass CarbonkgCO2e
tracer_baseline_soil_concentrationTracer mass fraction in soil before applicationMass Fraction Listppm
tracer_feedstock_concentrationTracer mass fraction in feedstockMass Fractionppm
tracer_post_application_concentrationTracer mass fraction in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fraction Listppm

Carbon rich substance sequestration

key: carbon_rich_substance_sequestration

Amount of CO₂ stored, given a carbon concentration and mass. Applicable to quantifying CO₂ stored for the protocols Biomass Geological Storage, Bio-oil Geological Storage, Subsurface Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage and Biochar Production and Storage.


result=product_mass×carbon_content×3.667CO2 equivalent of pure carbon\text{result} = product\_mass \times carbon\_content \times \overset{CO₂\ equivalent\ of\ pure\ carbon}{\text{3.667}}


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_contentCarbon content of productUnitlessn/a
product_massMass of productMasskg

Carbon rich substance sequestration from mean

key: carbon_rich_substance_sequestration_from_mean

Amount of CO₂ stored, given a mass and multiple supplied carbon concentration values, from which a mean is calculated. Applicable to quantifying CO₂ stored for the protocols Biomass Geological Storage, Bio-oil Geological Storage, Subsurface Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage and Biochar Production and Storage.


result=product_mass×carbon_contents×3.667CO2 equivalent of pure carbon\text{result} = product\_mass \times \overline{carbon\_contents} \times \overset{CO₂\ equivalent\ of\ pure\ carbon}{\text{3.667}}


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_contentsCarbon content of productUnitless Listn/a
product_massMass of productMasskg

Carbon rich substance sequestration with estimate

key: carbon_rich_substance_sequestration_with_estimate

Amount of CO₂ stored. The carbon content is calculated from carbon content samples of the same feedstock from different removals. The carbon concentration is then calculated by winsorizing using a three standard deviation limit, then taking the mean and subtracting one standard error to account for sample variability. Applicable to quantifying CO₂ stored for the protocols Biomass Geological Storage, Bio-oil Geological Storage, Subsurface Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage and Biochar Production and Storage.


result=product_mass×estimated_discounted_carbon_content×3.667CO2 equivalent of pure carbon\text{result} = product\_mass \times estimated\_discounted\_carbon\_content \times \overset{CO₂\ equivalent\ of\ pure\ carbon}{\text{3.667}}


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
carbon_contentsEstimated carbon content of productUnitless Listn/a
product_massMass of productMasskg

Dissolved carbon sequestration

key: dissolved_carbon_storage_solid_phase_steady_state

Mass of CO₂ converted to bicarbonate ions in the wastewater stream, determined using direct measurements within the treatment plant and subtracting any potential losses upon effluent discharge. The calculation uses quantification of dissolved feedstock in the solid phase (Option 1 in the WAE protocol), and assumes a steady state of feedstock mass in the control volume.


result=co2_removed_from_feedstock_dissolutionco2_release_from_non_carbonic_acid_weathering\text{result} = co2\_removed\_from\_feedstock\_dissolution - co2\_release\_from\_non\_carbonic\_acid\_weathering


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
dissolved_fs_non_carbFraction of feedstock dissolved by non-carbonic acidPercentage%
feedstock_molar_massFeedstock molar massMolar Massg / mol
lossesLosses of CO₂ due to riverine and oceanic processesMole FractionmolCO2e / mol
mean_feedstock_concentration_dosingMean concentration of feedstock in dosing flowMass Concentrationmg / litre
mean_tic_effluentMean mass fraction of feedstock in effluentMass Fractionppm
mean_tic_wasMean mass fraction of feedstock in sludgeMass Fractionppm
molar_ratio_carbonic_weatheringMolar ratio of CO₂ to feedstock consumption from carbonic acid weatheringMole FractionmolCO2e / mol
molar_ratio_non_carbonic_weatheringMolar ratio of CO₂ release/feedstock consumption from non-carbonic acid weatheringMole FractionmolCO2e / mol
total_flow_dosingTotal flow volume from dosingVolumelitre
total_flow_effluentTotal flow volume of effluentVolumelitre
total_flow_wasTotal flow volume of sludgeVolumelitre
tss_effluentTotal suspended solids of feedstock in effluentMass Concentrationmg / litre
tss_wasTotal suspended solids of feedstock in sludgeMass Concentrationmg / litre

Enhanced weathering - immobile element tracer method with losses (february 2025)

key: iemt_with_losses_2025_02

CO₂ removed from weathering using the immobile element method described in Reershemius et al 2023, using Titanium as the tracer and assuming that the dissolved fraction of all cations is equal to that of Calcium. Accounts for losses from strong acids, plant uptake, and river and ocean networks. There is no explicit correction for data obtained from control plots.


result=ExpectedValue(co2_sequestered×strong_acid_retention_factor×plant_retention_factor×river_retention_factor×ocean_retention_factor)\text{result} = \text{ExpectedValue}(co2\_sequestered \times strong\_acid\_retention\_factor \times plant\_retention\_factor \times river\_retention\_factor \times ocean\_retention\_factor)


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
ca_baseline_soil_mass_fractionBaseline calcium mass fraction in soilMass Fractionppm
ca_end_soil_mass_fractionCalcium mass fraction in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fractionppm
ca_feedstock_mass_fractionCalcium mass fraction in feedstockMass Fractionppm
cdr_potentialCDR potential of entire feedstock (Ca, Mg, Na & K cations)Mass Cdr PotentialkgCO2e / tonne
feedstock_massMass of feedstockMasskg
ocean_retention_factorPercentage of CDR retained after losses in ocean storagePercentage%
plant_retention_factorPercentage of CDR retained after losses due to plant uptakePercentage%
river_retention_factorPercentage of CDR retained after losses in river runoffPercentage%
strong_acid_retention_factorPercentage of CDR retained after losses due to strong acid reactionsPercentage%
ti_baseline_soil_mass_fractionTitanium mass fraction in soil before applicationMass Fractionppm
ti_end_soil_mass_fractionTitanium mass fraction in soil at end of reporting periodMass Fractionppm
ti_feedstock_mass_fractionTitanium mass fraction in feedstockMass Fractionppm

Off-platform sequestration

key: off_platform_sequestration

Constant sequestration representing a calculation that is done outside of the Isometric system. This blueprint should be used for testing sequestration values before we can represent them with a more detailed blueprint, and not for ‘production’ removal data.


result=off_platform_sequestration\text{result} = off\_platform\_sequestration


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
off_platform_sequestrationOff-platform sequestrationMass CarbonkgCO2e

Total plant uptake loss

key: ew_plant_uptake_from_sample

Calculates the plant uptake from a sample of locations


result=(co_lost_per_unit_area_from_calcium+co_lost_per_unit_area_from_magnesium)×rock_spread_area\text{result} = \left(co\_lost\_per\_unit\_area\_from\_calcium + co\_lost\_per\_unit\_area\_from\_magnesium\right) \times rock\_spread\_area


Input KeyDisplay NameTypeExample Unit
control_ca_concentrationCalcium concentration in controlMass Fraction Listppm
control_mg_concentrationMagnesium concentration in controlMass Fraction Listppm
control_sample_areaControl sample areaArea Listha
control_sample_yieldControl sample yieldMass Listkg
deployment_ca_concentrationCalcium concentration in deploymentMass Fraction Listppm
deployment_mg_concentrationMagnesium concentration in deploymentMass Fraction Listppm
deployment_sample_areaDeployment sample areaArea Listha
deployment_sample_yieldDeployment sample yieldMass Listkg
deployment_total_areaDeployment total areaArea Listha
deployment_total_yieldDeployment total yieldMass Listkg
rock_spread_areaRock spread areaAreaha