Creating your first removal
Setting up an account
To set up an account and a project on the Isometric platform, please contact us.
You will be given API keys for the different environments - see Authentication for more information on how to use these.
Set up your development environment
Isometric does not currently offer SDKs for our APIs, but we do provide an OpenAPI spec for each API. You can find the OpenAPI spec for the Certify API here. This can be used to autogenerate a client library in your language of choice, or to generate API documentation.
Sending your first request
Once you have your API keys, you can start sending requests to the Isometric API. An example query to get all projects would look like this:
Uploading your first removal
Once you have confirmed you can access the API and see your projects, you can start uploading removal data. The process of uploading removal data is described in the sequence diagram below.
Create Sources
Sources are documents that support the data you are uploading. They are created by using the POST source endpoint creating a resource in the Isometric system then uploading the document to the signed upload URL we return.
Create Datapoints
Datapoints are values that are used in the carbon accounting calculations. They are created using the POST datapoint endpoint. Source IDs representing the sources that support the datapoint can be passed in.
Create Components
Components represent physical activities whose CO₂e flux needs to be accounted for. Components are created from component blueprints that contain equations used to calculate a transfer of CO₂e into or out of the atmosphere. The component blueprint ID must be specificed when creating a component using the POST components endpoint.
Optional: Create feedstock type
Feedstock types represent a single type of feedstock used in a removal. Feedstock types should be created if the removal uses a feedstock that is not already in the system. The feedstock type can be created using the POST feedstock type endpoint.
Create removal
Removals represent a combination of activities that result in CO₂e being removed from the atmosphere. Components must be grouped into steps, and the exact steps that must be supplied are defined in a process. Isometric will be able to advise you on what process you should use. Processes are also available to query through the API using the GET processes endpoint.
Create GHG statement
A GHG statement represents a set of removals that will be verified together. It can be created in the Isometric system using the POST GHG statement endpoint. After verification, credits will be issued for all removals in a GHG statement at the same time.
To prevent overlaps in reporting periods, GHG Statements in the Isometric system must be contiguous. When creating
one, we will ask you to provide its end date, and the start date will be automatically inferred from the previous GHG
statement if one exists, or the earliest removal in the project. All removals with a completed_at
date within the
GHG statement period will be included in the statement.
Submit GHG statement for verification
Once you have added all the removals to a GHG statement, you can submit it for verification using the submission endpoint. The verifier will be able to see all the resources associated with the removals once it is submitted.
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