Organisation Credit Batches
A paginated list of all credit batches currently owned or retired on behalf of the organisation, sorted by issuance date. By default it excludes batches with the status ‘split’.
Note that when combining filters, the result will be the intersection of them. For example, when filtering by supplier_id
and issued_after
, the result will only include credit batches from the specified supplier that have been issued after the specified date.
A JWT Bearer token header for authentication and authorization, in the format Authorization: Bearer <token>
A secret token identifying the client connecting to the API
Path Parameters
The ID of the organisation.
Query Parameters
Filter credit batches by the supplier that was issued the credits
Filter credit batches by the project that the credits were issued for
Filter credit batches by their issuance
Filter credit batches by the delivery that they were part of
Filter credit batches by the order they have been delivered against
Filter credit batches by the retirement they have been part of
Filter credit batches by status. Note that 'split' status is excluded by default.
, split
, retired
Filter credit batches to only return ones issued strictly after this timestamp. Format: ISO8601-like including timezone, eg. 2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
Filter credit batches to only return ones issued strictly before this timestamp. Format: ISO8601-like including timezone, eg. 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z
An integer number of items to retrieve before the item represented by the cursor passed in the before parameter. Defaults to 10 with a maximum value of 50.
An opaque cursor representing the first item in the previously requested page to select items ordered before it. Submit the previously requested page’s start_cursor here when paginated backwards.
An integer number of items to retrieve after the item represented by the cursor passed in the after parameter. Defaults to 10 with a maximum value of 50.
An opaque cursor representing the last item in the previously requested page to select items ordered after it. Submit the previously requested page’s end_cursor here when paginated forwards.
, desc
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