All shapefiles must meet the following minimum standards, as well as any additional requirements as within the specific Protocol or PDD.

Data Format and Structure

  • Project Proponents should provide a complete shapefile bundle including .shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj files.
  • Files must be provided in ESRI shapefile format with an optional accompanying GeoJSON version.
  • Files should follow a consistent naming convention that includes a project identifier, purpose of the shapefile, and date, e.g., ProjectID_ShapefilePurpose_YYYYMMDD.

Data Requirements

  • Must use a defined coordinate reference system such as WGS 84.
  • Polygons must be topologically correct and closed, with no gaps and self-intersections or overlapping polygons within the same layers.
  • All attributes (protocol specific) should be completed unless previously exempted through discussion with Isometric.

File Metadata

  • Metadata should be ISO 19115 compliant and include:
    • Unique persistent identifier for the dataset
    • Clear description of dataset purpose and contents
    • Temporal coverage (start and end dates)
    • Spatial extent (bounding box coordinates)
    • Coordinate reference system details
    • Data quality reports including topology validation results
    • Processing methodology and tools used (including versions)
    • Source data references and lineage
    • Access and usage restrictions
    • Attribution requirements
    • Keywords following standardized vocabularies
    • Point of contact information
    • Update frequency if part of a time series
  • Metadata should be provided in both human and machine-readable formats.
  • All attribute fields should be documented with:
    • Clear descriptions of field meanings
    • Units of measurement where applicable
    • Data type specifications
    • Valid value ranges or code lists

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