Post Source
Creates a source in the Isometric system. The client is provided with a presigned upload URL which must be used to upload the document associated with this source. Source documents are private, but other fields will be visible publicly once credits are issued for an associated removal, moving it to the public registry.
A JWT Bearer token header for authentication and authorization, in the format Authorization: Bearer <token>
A secret token identifying the client connecting to the API
Contains the name of the model (formally, OpenAPI Schema Object). Used to determine the type of data, for example when two different types are unioned.
The size (in bytes) of the file that will be uploaded. This must also be passed as a 'content-length' header during the upload. The pre-signed URL will only accept a file of this size.
x <= 50000000
The content type of the file that will be uploaded. This must also be passed as a 'content-type' header during the upload. The pre-signed URL will only accept a file of this content-type.
, application/pdf
, application/x-ipynb+json
, image/jpeg
, image/png
, text/plain
, text/csv
, application/
, application/msword
, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
1 - 100
The full name of the file that will be uploaded, including it's file extension
If the source document should be publicly available on the Registry once credits are issued.
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