Post Removal
A JWT Bearer token header for authentication and authorization, in the format Authorization: Bearer <token>
A secret token identifying the client connecting to the API
Input to the POST /removals endpoint that creates a single removal
The date by which activities related to this removal finished.
The key of the process to be used. See the processes endpoint for the processes available.
The ID of the project to associate this removal to.
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The date at which activities related to this removal started.
A list of steps to be included in the removal. The steps must match the steps defined in the process key. See the /processes endpoint to find which steps must be used.
Nested type for the POST /removals endpoint to create a step within a removal
A string that must be unique for all resources created by a specific supplier. It can be used by a client to identify the correct objects in their system.
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The ID of the feedstock type that will be used for this removal.
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IDs of the labels that will be associated with this removal.
The CO₂e removed by this removal once uncertainty discounting has been applied
The standard deviation of the CO₂e net removed and therefore the uncertainty discount applied to the removal
The CO₂e removed by this removal before any uncertainty discounting has been applied
The feedstock type ID that this removal is associated with.
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The GHG statement ID that this removal is associated with. If null, the removal is in draft and has not been submitted for verification.
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The label IDs that this removal is associated with.
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