Post Project Component Removal Attribution
Manually attributes or removes attribution of a project component to a removal.
A JWT Bearer token header for authentication and authorization, in the format Authorization: Bearer <token>
A secret token identifying the client connecting to the API
Path Parameters
A scalar between 0 and 1 for the fraction of the CO2e flux of the project component that is to be attributed to this removal.
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ID of Removal to attribute the project component to.
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The CO₂e removed by this removal once uncertainty discounting has been applied
The standard deviation of the CO₂e net removed and therefore the uncertainty discount applied to the removal
The CO₂e removed by this removal before any uncertainty discounting has been applied
The feedstock type ID that this removal is associated with.
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The GHG statement ID that this removal is associated with. If null, the removal is in draft and has not been submitted for verification.
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The label IDs that this removal is associated with.
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